Friday 20 November 2020


WALT: put together a boat and sail it.

Wednesday 18 November 2020

Mud run

 Today we had to do a 2.7 km mud run with obstacles it was really fun.

The start was boring but when we got to the mud and water it was really fun.

You start off by running to the first obstacle it was a bunch of tires we had to climb over them, then you go in the bouncy thing then you head into a forest where you over ropes and stuff then you to the water where you go through and under the bridge then on it to head to walk through the sea twice then you go on the slip in slide then through these little pools then you run to the finish line.

Have you ever done something like this before?

Monday 9 November 2020

St John

 Today we had a session from St John. Paula came in and told us about C.P.R and if someone was unconscious. 

Danger, if you see someone laying on the you look for Danger for 5 seconds, if something or someone puts you in Danger don't approach them.

Response, if theirs no Dangers and you approach them you check if they Respond to you by hitting them with the back of the hand on the collarbone.

if they don't Respond then Send for help in New Zealand call 111 for an ambulance if you don't have a phone ask someone to them or see if they have a phone.

Airway, tilt there head up so it opens the airway and so they don't choke on their tongue.

Breathing, then put your hand on their stomach and your ear over their mouth so you can hear and feel if they're Breathing do that for 10 seconds, if they are breathing roll them on their side so they don't choke on anything.

C.P.R, if they're not breathing start doing C.P.R if it is a adult start using two hands link together, arms straight, bottom of the palm in the middle of their chest and start pushing down with your arms straight 30 of those 2 breaths through the mouth.

Defib (AED), if they're people around ask them to go to the closest Defib to bring back to shock them until the ambulance comes and tell you to stop.

have you learnt this before?

Wednesday 21 October 2020

Parts of Speech


WALT: identify different types of speech
Today we had to write the definition of the different parts of speech and give an example for each one
do you know all of the parts of speech?



Today we are learning the prayers in the rosary since October is the month of the rosary.
did you know all these prayers? 

Friday 16 October 2020

Kawa of Care

WALT: how to take care of our Chromebook 

Today we had to read through the kawa of care which is the rules of the Chromebooks we pick 5 most important rules and did a DLO of what they mean.
Hug and hold is the one I need to work on.
Do you know more rules?

Friday 25 September 2020

Volcano eruption


WALT:See the reaction of vinegar and baking soda
in the past 2 weeks we have been making Volcanoes today we erupted them.
We first had to glue newspaper to the bottle then paper to the bottle then we painted it.
we then went outside to erupt them we put water in about 2 thirds of the way up then you put a bunch of baking soda then add vinegar and it erupts.
if I would to change one thing I would add more water.
Would you like to make a volcano?

Thursday 17 September 2020

Try different workshops


WALT: use a new tool
Today we are doing workshops we had to pick 2 sessions for the tools.
N is forward
E is right
S is down
W is left
I picked stop motion and scratch, It was fun and I was curious on what we had to do but I got confused mid way through.
Have you use one of these tools?

Wednesday 16 September 2020

Maori Colours

This week is Maori language week today we had to make a DLO on the colours in Maori.
Did you know any of these words?

Tuesday 15 September 2020

How to say days of the week in Maori

WALT: say the days of the week in Maori
This week is Te reo Maori Week and we are learning Maori this week.
do you know any greetings in Maori?

Friday 11 September 2020

Book character day!

 Today is book character day I would probably dress up as Harry Potter if I had to choose because I don't know much book characters. I would make sure I have glasses, wand and griffindor robe

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone - Wikipedia

Thursday 3 September 2020






John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit.


John 20:22 And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”


John 6:56 Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them.


Mark 2:5 When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralyzed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”


Matthew 19:6 So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”


Holy Orders

Acts 3:3-6

3 Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them 4 and will give our attention to prayer and the ministry of the word.”

5 This proposal pleased the whole group. They chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit; also Philip, Procorus, Nicanor, Timon, Parmenas, and Nicolas from Antioch, a convert to Judaism. 6 They presented these men to the apostles, who prayed and laid their hands on them.

Anointing of the sick

Mark 5:34 He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

Monday 31 August 2020

Improper & mix fractions

 WALT: Identify improper and mix fractions

Improper fractions is when the denominator is higher than the numerator.
mix fractions is when there's a whole number in front of it as a whole.

Wednesday 19 August 2020

Stop Motion tool

WALT: use a new tool
We sat down in position and changed positions so it looked like we were shape shifting into each other.
Have you ever used stop motion before?

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Facts of Armadillos

WALT: identify the important facts in the text.
Hi today we had to list 5 important facts about Armadillos.
You can go through the slideshow to see the 5 facts.
hope you enjoyed!
do you know any more facts about armadillos?

Monday 29 June 2020

Trace on pineapple

WALT: Practice tracing on image.
Today we traced fruits for our groups.
Have you ever traced before?

Friday 26 June 2020


WALT: Write an engaging narrative
I wrote about if Goku didn't win as well as he did against Frieza
SSB Kaioken Goku vs Golden Frieza (no stamina issues) RESULTS ...

Here is my narrative this is not completed

100 years ago Frieza got resurrected by Sorbet he went down to earth and used the dragon balls to resurrect him. But if that happens he would be in pieces but lucky for them they had a regeneration machine. Frieza is an alien that destroys people and makes people there slaves. Once Frieza was resurrected he wanted to head to earth but he knew he would be defeated quickly so instead of heading to earth straight away he decided he would train for 8 months straight once he finished training and made their way to earth.

The Z fighters were warned about Frieza by Jaco, unfortunately Goku and Vegeta were at Beerus's planet training with Whis. Beerus is the God of Destruction and Whis is his angel, he's also his trainer. Frieza had a whole army but they were very weak and easy to take down but Frieza was unstoppable there best chance was Goku and Vegeta to be there Bulma (Vegeta's wife) tried getting Whis’s attention which she did and told them everything but it was too far away so there best chance was Goku to instant transmission but its too far.

On earth the fight was continuing while that's happening on Beerus’s planet Goku  was trying to instant transmission. but there power levels were too low and back on earth Gohan (Goku's son) hated Frieza and what he does but he has hasn’t been training enough so the best he could do is to power up enough so that Goku can lock on and get there instantly once they made it everybody was happy to see them. Frieza was shocked to see them with Whis and Beerus and the instant transmission which gave Frieza even more of a shock “H-How did you do that” yelled Frieza “it's called instant transmission” said Goku then he said “Now you will pay for what you have done”.

The fight has begun and they both were holding back they notice then it all happens they both transformed Frieza turned Golden and changed into Golden Frieza. Goku turned blue and changed into a Super Saiyan God SS but call it Super Saiyan Blue. It got very intense. It was too dangerous for the others to be that close so they moved back. Frieza noticed he still wasn’t using his full power “you too are not using your full power so bring it” yelled Goku. “HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA” yelled Frieza and he power up to platinum Frieza “hehehehehe” laughed Frieza “KAIOKEN” yelled Goku “this still won’t be enough” said Goku “KAIOKEN X10” yelled Goku.

Goku realizes that the earth could be destroyed if they stay on so Goku got an idea to launch them into space he just needs to aim upwards to go all the way up there into space. Frieza saw what he was trying to do “you FOOL” yelled Frieza. He punched him so hard that he flew into the ground from 100,000 feet in the air and it's hard to knock Goku back. “Hehehehehe” this planet is gonna be destroyed “damn you kakarot” said Vegeta, Vegeta flew in and decides to fight Frieza “what are you gonna do weakling” said Frieza “you're underestimating me Frieza” said Vegeta. Vegeta turns Super Saiyan Blue “I guess I was wrong Vegeta you strong but nowhere near as strong as me” said Frieza “VEGETA what are you doing” yelled Goku “hurry up and do your thing” said Vegeta.

Goku knew what he meant so he put his hands up “lend me your energy everybody” said Goku everyone saw what he was doing so they all put their hands up and lend him his energy. But the whole world needs to do the same thing but they weren’t so they had to speak to them “please someone here is stronger than Buu and he could destroy the whole world please lend me all of your so we could defeat him. They listen because the earth is shaking the whole entire time “whoa this thing is bigger than before it is as big as the earth, it's done” said Goku Frieza was shocked to see how big this thing is “NOW DIE FRIEZA!!!!” yelled Goku He throws the spirit bomb and it hits Frieza.

Frieza tries to push it back, it's very strong. Unfortunately he did push it back he was pushing it with one hand and the other charging up an attack to help destroy it “I HATE YOU YOU WILL DIE!!!!” he uses the attack and destroys the spirit bomb “WHAT HOW DID YOU DESTROY IT” yelled Goku “Impossible” said Vegeta everybody was shocked. “It's time for all of you and this planet to die” said Frieza “NOOOOOOO I WON’T LET YOU DESTROY MY WORLD KAIOKEN X20” yelled Goku “you still gonna die” said Frieza “KAIOKEN X50” yelled Goku “NOOOOOOO HE COULD DIE FROM THAT” yelled Vegeta.

Goku charges at Frieza he very fast even for Frieza “WHAT HOW ARE SO FAST BUT YOUR STILL NO MATCH TO ME” yelled Frieza Goku powers down to his base form “NOOOOOOO HE'S OUT OF POWER” yelled Vegeta. Dende is the Earth's guardian “hey Dende can you get the dragon balls and wish Goku's power back” said Vegeta

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Narrative snippet

Frieza noticed he still wasn’t using his full power “you too are not using your full power so bring it” yelled Goku. “Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” yelled Frieza and he power up to platinum Frieza “hehehehehe” laughed Frieza “KAIOKEN” yelled Goku “this still won’t be enough” said Goku “KAIOKEN X10” yelled Goku.

Today I had to do a snippet on my Narrative I hope you enjoy
have you written a narrative before?

Friday 19 June 2020

Math Strategy

WALT: Multiply using tidy numbers, rounding and compensating
This week we have been learning a math strategy there are two examples in this slide. You have to round up the number to make the question easier and get rid of the extras.

Thursday 18 June 2020

Doubting Thomas Character web

WALT: Identify Characters traits.
Today for reading we had to make a character web for Thomas in the book that we are reading, we are reading Doubting Thomas (By Morris Gleitzman) we had to put 6 things about Thomas.

Have you ever made a character web?

Thursday 11 June 2020

Doubting Thomas venn-diagram

WALT: compare two people and what they have in common
we had to put 6 things in each section like what Thomas and Kevin has and what they have in common.
This is from the book Doubting Thomas (By Morris Gleitzman)
Have you ever read this book?

Friday 5 June 2020


WALT Understand how to grow in virtues of God. Today we had to choose 5 virtues this is a work in progress

Wednesday 27 May 2020


This week we have to read 5 chapters of Doubting Thomas and answer questions and complete tasks this is task one we had to do a storyboard of six events that happened in the first 5 chapters.
Have you ever read this book before?

Thursday 21 May 2020

The little shoemaker venn diagram

Today we had to do a venn diagram about a short film the little shoemaker about the differences.
Have you seen it? if you have do you know any more?

Wednesday 20 May 2020

The little shoemaker

Today we had to make a summary about a short film the little shoemaker then we had to make a DLO of one of the scenes here it is

One day who walk past the little shoemakers shop it was in like a outdoor mall it was a lady who liked the shoe there it was some high heels but the evil shoemaker showed up and showed her bunch of high heels it was like they were in a war but she went over to the little shoemaker but then the evil shoemaker put out a discount 20% off she was forced to buy the other. That night he had some sneakers that he used in the morning, the evil shoemaker used the copy button and copied the sneakers but cooler ones and more of them. The little shoemaker was going broke. He had to pay him or lose his shop so he had an idea that worked. He got gold shoes and gave it to him. The shoes had a mind of its own and got rid of the evil shoemaker.
I hope you enjoyed this
Have you ever seen this short film?

Tuesday 19 May 2020


Integers are math problems but you add positive and negative example is 5+-7=-2 adding a negative is the same as subtracting positive and subtracting a negative is the same as adding a positive you can tell the different because if there is a symbol next to it like this -5 that means it is a negative and it is below 0 if it doesn't it is a positive it is above 0

Monday 18 May 2020

Duffy Books

Today we went back to school and got our Duffy book from last term

Friday 17 April 2020

shapes task 1

Today we are learning Geometry this is task 1 we had to talk about a bunch of things with 2D shapes and 3D shapes. we had to do sides, angles, lines of symmetry, Surface and vertex.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post
what other shapes could used?

Thursday 26 March 2020

Solve math Equation

W.A.L.T Show our thinking when we solve problems.
Hi today we had to pick 5 equations that is at our level we had to show how we solved it but I did them all.

How would you solve it?

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Sentence Starter

Sentence Starter
Footsteps slowly creaked on every step of the stairs. The bedroom handle turned slowly…

and there was nobody there I went out to look but there was no one there so went down to look if anybody was there. All of a sudden I banging and kept louder or closer and then I look behind me and there was a giant chasing me so I ran as fast as I can to get away from it. I thought I lost it but then I here the banging as before so ran away again but even further than before. I was too tired to keep on running so I stopped to catch my breath and I found out it was all a dream.

We had to do a sentence starter in 10 minutes so hope enjoyed.
What would you do if you got chased by a giant?