Monday 8 November 2021

St Maximilian Kolbe


WALT: Research a saint and use different sources

St Maximilian Kolbe made some choices in his life. When the Nazi guards selected 10 people to be starved to death in punishment, Kolbe volunteered to die in place of a stranger. St Maximilian Kolbe was a Priest after he finished his studies in Pontifical University of St. Bonaventure in 1919.

Do you know anything else about St Maximilian Kolbe

Friday 17 September 2021



WALT: Use hand signs to match the notes.
This week for music we are learning Do-Re-Mi with hand signs to match different notes and it repeats it self many times with it going higher.
Do you know anything about music?

All About Orangutans


This week we've been learning about Orangutans. We've learned a lot about Orangutans and we had to make an infographic about it.
Do you know anything else about Orangutans?

Wednesday 2 June 2021

Blog Commenting

 WALT: write quality blog comments

Today for cybersmart we are reflecting on our blog comments to see what were good at and what we need to improve.
What do you need to improve on when writing comments?

Tuesday 1 June 2021

Scientific notation

 WALT: Express numbers in scientific notation

This week i'm doing scientific notation like for example 10 to the power of 4 is 10,000.
Here is my drawing to make it easier to understand.

Do you understand scientific notation?

Narrative boy and dog missing one leg

 WALT: to identify a structure of a Narrative

Today we had to do a mind map about this short film here's a little recap of the story.
The boy is in the lounge playing video games and his Mum got him a present that had a dog in it with one leg and didn't like it and then he started to like the dog and got up and had one leg and went outside to play with it.

Wednesday 26 May 2021

Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia

 WALT: identify different Figurative Language

We are doing Figurative Language and we are learning Hyperbole and Onomatopoeia.

I put definition and examples in this slide show:


I hope you enjoyed and leave a comment.
Do you know anymore examples?

Tuesday 25 May 2021

Something about Figurative Language

WALT: identify different Figurative Language

Friday 21 May 2021


 WALT: understand Pentecost

Pentecost is when after Jesus ascends and the disciples pray and the holy spirit comes down and flames go on their head and they start speaking different languages and spread the news around the world.
is there anything else i've missed?

Maui and the sun

 WALT: retell one of the maori legends

Maui and the sun

Maui and his brothers decided to lasso the sun since they didn't have enough sun light they lasso the sun and told the sun to slow down and the sun decided to slow down since he could do nothing else.

I hope you enjoy!

do you know anything about Maui and the sun?

Friday 14 May 2021

Jesus Ascends

 WALT: retell the ascension

I hope you understand
is there anything that I missed?

Tuesday 11 May 2021


 WALT: use statistical inquiry to collect and discuss data

Today i'm learning about statistical inquiry and made a chart with the data I collected. The topic I picked was the world population in the 20th Century. I found out that the more people the larger the increase.

What topic would you choose?


 WALT: Identify Metaphors and give examples

This week we are learning figurative language and this is a metaphor blog post.

A Metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things without using like or as.

Do you know any Metaphors?

Thursday 1 April 2021

Easter Sunday

 Today we are learning about holy week and we had to choose a Easter Story and I chose Easter Sunday.

I chose Easter Sunday and its about Jesus rising from the dead.

Here is short story about it, Jesus is put in a tomb and 2 Roman guards protects Jesus's tomb and a storm comes and scares away the soldiers then Mary Magdalene comes and the tomb was opened
Mary goes inside to see that Jesus was gone and a angel comes and said "Jesus is alive and tell Jesus's friends" Mary then goes to tell Jesus's disciples at first they didn't believe her but Jesus shows himself to him.

The good stuff about this, Jesus lets everyone to have a chance for their sins to be wiped from their souls as he dies on the cross.

The bad stuff about this, Jesus had to die and had to be beaten up and spit on by Roman Guards for forgiveness and Gods love but Jesus was also betrayed by Judas his disciple.

The stuff that I felt, I felt sad when Jesus died on the cross and a bit angry at the Pontius Pilate for sentencing him to be crucified and i'm also angry at the Roman Guards for beating and spiting on Jesus.

One way for the disciples to spread the good news is to spread it like a virus so 1 person tells 2 people those 2 people tell 3 people each and 6 people tell 4 people each and so on so forth.

Here is my short animation of Jesus coming out the tomb.

Do you know any other facts about Easter Sunday?

Wednesday 10 March 2021

The purpose of a blog post


WALT: explain the purpose of a blog

Today for Cybersmart we made a comic strip about a purpose of a blog I made it with Mace, Makkus, Axl and Joel. 

We didn't have enough time as i'm doing this in morning tea and we were suppose to do it on our own as we got in trouble because we didn't ask.

we got the pictures off google.

did you know any of this?